This distribution list is for anyone who wants to receive messages about upcoming events, news, or other items of historical interest. To get onto this distribution list, send a request with your name and e-mail address to You can be removed from the list the same way. All messages addressed to will be moderated: they will be checked for appropriateness (to eliminate spam and obvious errors) before being sent out to everyone on the list. That will introduce a delay between the time a message is sent and the time it actually goes out. The e-mail address of the person sending the message will be present in the message, but the recipients will receive a "blind copy" (BCC:) so their addresses will not be visible. Remember, if you reply to a message from this list, the message will go to everyone on the list, not just the original sender. If you want to reply only to the sender, you will have to change the address in the "TO:" section of your reply.