


(early settlers in Santa Clara)

With the general call to Dixie October, 1861, was a call to a company of Swiss, and they arrived a few days ahead of the main company and were assigned to Santa Clara. They traveled as a separate company, as they could not speak the English language. George A. Smith writes of meeting them at Kanarra Creek, a company of fourteen wagons, six of which were furnished by the church.

In this company are listed: Solomon Blickenstorfer and wife, and son, Gottlieb; Herman Bosshard, Pauline Bosshard; Daniel Bonelli and wife; John Enz and wife; Andrew Feldtmann; Rudolph Frei and wife; Jacob Graf and wife and three, children, Jacob, Jr., Barbara, Traugott; Casper Gubler and wife and daughter, Magdalina; John Gubler and wife, and four children, Mary, John, Louisa, and Herman; Conrad Hafen and wife, and two children, Louie and Eliza; John G. Hafen, Sr. and John G. Hafen, Jr. and wife; Gottlieb Hirschi and wife; Henry Hug and wife; John Hug and wife, and two children, John, Jr., and Henry; John R. Itten and wife; John Keller and wife and baby, Emma.

Henry Kuhn and wife and baby, Elizabeth; Christian Moosman and wife; Henry Mueller and wife; Conrad Naegli; John Reber and wife and two children, John, Jr., and Rosena; Samuel Reber; John Riedel; Frederick Roulet and wife and three children, Sophia, Albert, Julia; George Staheli and wife and five children, Wilhelmina, Elizabeth, George, Mary and John; Niklous Stauffer; John Stucki and wife and two children, Gottfried and Rosetta; Samuel Stucki and wife and four children, John S., Anna Marie, Rosena, Christian; Jacob Tobler and wife; Christian Wittwer and wife and son, Samuel, Ignaz Willi.

Some remained but a short time, and some died shortly after arriving. Others coming a little later were Martin Bauman and family; Frederick Reber and family; John Henry Graf and family.

Pioneer descendants of this colony living in the area include: Susette H. Leavitt, Santa Clara; Rosena B. Bleak and Mary H. Leavitt, St, George; Barbara S. Zahner, Frank Staheli and Paula Staheli, Washington; Mary E. Reber, Mesquite, Nevada.